Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Remain In Self Respect, The Universe will follow you in every aspect - Yog E-Link

Self - Respect, We are hearing this word since so long. It is a very beautiful word. But we have mistaken in the true meaning of the word.

Self Respect doesn't define the role we are playing in office, home or society. It is not even about the gender we are, male or female etc.

Here Self means the True 'I' which is 'The Soul', and Respect means the true values and qualities of the soul.
Here I am giving the brief of the Soul and its Respect.

Soul is a spiritual energy which can not be seen through the physical eyes and also through any instrument of the physical world.  Soul has three active energies or we can say organs which are -
(1) Mind
(2) Intellect
(3) Impressions

Respect - Soul has 8 Main Powers which I have already explained in the previous post (Click here) and Soul has 7 Main virtues or we can say Values which are:

1. Peace
2. Happiness
3. Bliss
4. Purity
5. Power
6. Knowledge
7. Love

When I will consider myself as the Powerful, Loveful soul, It means I am performing my action with these virtues and values, which is my real self respect. Then all thing which I want will attract to me because I am full of treasures, there is no emptiness in me. So there will be contentment. And where contentment is there, Everything will be attracted to It.


Talking To Self - Yog E-Link

When you talk to yourself in your mind, which self do you address? And how?

Usually people do not talk to their divinity, but to the most superficial aspects of their everyday personality. And often its a stream of fears, complaints and mindless repetition of old things. If we talked that way to another human being, we would have to apologize.

Learning to talk properly to the self is a spiritual endeavor. Thoughts from the past and worries about the future do not create good conversation. Instead learn to talk to your mind as if it were a child.

Talk to it with love. If you just force a child to sit down, he won't. A good mother knows how to prompt her child into doing what she wants. Be a good mother to your mind, teach it good, positive thoughts so that when you tell it to sit quietly, it will.

Love your mind. Stay happy

Meditation and Love - Yog E-Link

In meditation one thing I think about is: what is meant by “Human" in terms of qualities such as love, peace and joy.

I connect to the energy of truth within me. There is a core of goodness in all of us and when I draw on this power, positive feelings emerge naturally.

Love is intrinsic to our nature, love heals, and it brings happiness. When i feel love towards others, there is benefit all round. To love is a natural way to live. Meditation teaches me this.

Yes I do have a philosophy but what is important is we are all saying the same thing in a roundabout way. No one is wrong but each ones experience is different.

Practice Gratitude- Yog E-Link

The intention and the action of gratitude is the inner symphony of the heart. It opens to sing with thanks for the smallest of things. To hear a bird sing, to see a child laugh, to receive a friend's affection - are all invitations to practice the attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude is the kind of loving thanks which touches another's heart in a place where they will allow you to reside for a long time.

Honesty and clarity - Yog E-Link

Honesty does not mean simply speaking your mind. Honesty means to be very clear about everything going on inside you. Where there is honesty, feelings become pure and clean. Honesty is where there are no other thoughts or feelings inside, other than those that God himself would have. Such clarity is reflected in your words; they will be filled with the power of truth, and spoken with ease and without hesitation.

The genuine honesty cultivated within you is what will reach out and touch others.

Anger comes where there is discontentment - Yog E-Link

Projection: When we don't get what we want or when people don't do what we expect them to do we experience discontentment. When there is discontentment, when our desires aren't fulfilled we experience anger. Then trying to do away with anger without knowing the actual reason, doesn't work.

Solution: When we find ourselves getting angry with someone or some situation, we need to first check what is the true reason for our anger. Once we find the cause of it, which is some expectation of ours, we will be able to work at overcoming it. We will then be able to get rid of our anger too.

Everyone's Different - Yog E-Link

The key is to adapt yourself to different people. This does not mean that you have to be someone you're not.

To be able to adapt, you first need to know yourself well enough to understand a broad range of facets of yourself so that you can call up the right one with right crowd.

Everyone is unique and Special. So one has a right to be different. Once you start seeing that uniqueness in other, you will be able to see their speciality.

And that is the only beauty on this earth. If we all are same there is nothing to know more and nothing to enjoy with other.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Self Realisation - Yog E-Link

People affected by anger lose their temper and become excited at the slightest provocation. Yet, when the event is over they find peace in going back to their normal nature. The same applies to all the other vices (greed, ego, lust and attachment), which are at the root of all emotional disturbances, strains, tensions and imbalances. This indicates that the vices are not the original nature of the soul.

If the soul thinks about its original nature and does everything with the realization "I am a soul, not a body," its original qualities reappear naturally.

They are its basic values. It is worthless seeking them externally. It is like the musk deer running after the sweet smell of musk, unaware that it is coming from its own navel. Peace of mind is the soul’s property. It automatically flows from within it once it is soul-conscious.

The soul only has to let its original sanskaras become thoughts and keep them flowing. Whatever thoughts are in its mind that is the state it experiences. Soul-conscious thoughts bring peace of mind. Body-conscious thoughts disturb the soul. It is the soul who decides what state of mind to experience. It can either be peaceful, or in peacelessness. It is the soul who has the power of decision. The situation should not dictate to the soul.

No Negative Thoughts - No Punishments - Yog E-Link

Whenever there is a negative situation I tend to react very negatively to it. I tend to have a lot of negative thoughts and experience a lot of difficulty at that time. I then begin to blame the situation and feel that I am facing punishment because of it. I need to understand the fact that the biggest punishment I experience is through my own negative thoughts. The more I can free myself from these kind of negative thoughts I can free myself from experiencing any kind of punishment

7 Steps To Lead A Successful Relationship - Yog E-Link

1. Respect People

Always talk to people with respect; speaking to them like you want to be spoken to. Be kind in your words and actions. Think before you speak, because once the words leave your mouth, they can't ever be taken back. Your words may be forgiven, but they will never be forgotten. When you speak harshly to someone, you put a small crack in that relationship. Too many small cracks and the relationship will crumble.

2. Be Loyal and Trustworthy

Be the kind of person that can always be counted on to do the right thing. Never do anything to betray that trust. Always be honest, and always temper your honesty with kindness. Let them know that they can always lean on you, and even their deepest secrets are safe. If you don't have trust in a relationship, you don't have anything to build on.

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out" ~~ Walter Winchell

3. Put Others First – Be a Friend

I know it's not easy, but you need to put the needs of others first. By that very act you show how much you care, and how important that relationship is to you. When you enter a relationship with a heart that puts others first, you are blessed by the fruits that are grown from such an act. By showing a genuine interest in others, you show yourself a friend, and gain loyal, lifelong friends to yourself.
As Dale Carnegie said,
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one." ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. Don't Try and Be Someone You're not

Always strive to be your best self, but never try and be someone you're not.
Relationships built upon lies and distortions will never stand. Real friends are honest and upfront with each other. If you want to have a real friend, then be a real friend. Part of being a real friend is being yourself. If you want to impress someone, impress them with your kindness and friendship.

5. Don't Take People For Granted

I think this act probably causes more hurt, resentment, or weakening of friendships than any other. We go from enjoying someone's company, really appreciating all the things they do for us, and thinking about how great they are for the things they do. Then, let a little time go by, and we stop acknowledging the good things about them. We come to expect certain things that we considered special at one time. Don't do it, it's a relationship breaker. No one wants to be taken for granted.

6. Be Forgiving

What if the one being taken for granted is you? It hurts to feel like you're not appreciated. If we aren't vigilant in caring for our relationships, these things can easily happen. That's why it is important for us to look at others like Christ looks at us, with compassion and forgiveness.
Be sure to talk to the person taking you for granted. Don't let it build inside until the relationship is destroyed and irreparable. If they're a true friend they should apologize and be willing to change that.
Another trick to great relationships is good communications, and not holding grudges. Be forgiving as Christ is forgiving.

7. Be Positive and Encouraging

I love being around people who are positive and encouraging. It brings out the best in me and causes me to want to be positive and encourage to others. Can you think of a better emotional boost than to help put a smile on someone's face?
Dwelling on and being discouraged over problems will do nothing to make them better. We need to acknowledge the problem, tell that problem it's not going to define us, and then get to working finding a solution.

When someone you care about is down and hurting, you getting depressed with them will do nothing to help. What you need to do is show them compassion, be empathetic, and let them know you're there for them.

Then you need to lift them up. Help them to see some of the wonderful things about themselves and their life. Sometimes people just need to be reminded that they're special, and we believe in them even when they quit believing in themselves

Method For Easy Progress - Yog E-Link

Sometimes we find ourselves making a lot of effort and putting in a lot of energy for getting something done.

Yet we find that the results are not according to the efforts that we have put in. We then begin to wonder it happens so. To be able to give happiness to those around is to increase the speed of my progress.

For this I need to pay special attention to keep giving happiness and not giving sorrow to those around me. This brings me their blessings and these subtle wishes bring me happiness and success easily.

Anger Management And Prevention - Yog E-Link

As you increase your self-awareness, you will also see how your anger begins with a moment of irritation towards a person or situation. If you then give attention to that irritation by replaying or revising the event in your mind, which is like giving water to a plant, it will grow into frustration. And if you water the frustration, it will grow into anger, which, in turn, will develop into rage.
Don't suppress and don't express your anger. What's left? Transform (change). The transformation of anger requires you to realize the root cause of your emotional pain. The realization comes by understanding deeply the self or the soul. When you see the cause it gives you a choice

a) to stop creating it, or
b) continue creating it.

Unfortunately, although many see why they cause their own anger and acknowledge responsibility for their creation, they continue to keep getting angry. They find many ways of justifying their anger. They have an 'anger addiction'. They are angerholics.
Are you ready to see the root cause? Do you want to make new choices? Isn't it time to break your emotional addiction?

Suddenly - Yog-Link

The journey of life teaches us that we need to prepare ourselves by learning to navigate our way through any sudden eventuality, and the spiritual path teaches us to embrace that with love and strength when it does happen. If we have not done the inner work of creating a strong inner resolve, we will indeed be shaken, scattered and shattered, and fall victim to the situation rather than mastering it and staying unaffected.

We live in an unpredictable world where anything can happen at any time. Planes and trains crash, ‘terrorists’ attack, children die at an early age, weather patterns disrupt our schedules, stocks and shares come tumbling down. And in our personal relationships too, friends and family can surprise us with new dramas in their lives.

In fact the earthquakes and tsunamis we see in the world are a reflection of our inner breakdown. With every negative and weak thought we create, we send out a negative message, frequency and vibration to the world. And with so much sorrow in the world, even Mother Earth is reacting in strange ways.

With all this upheaval we hear in the news and pews everyday we should by now have become impervious to such onslaughts. Yet why do we continue to be shocked at every turn? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that we still keep hope. Hope that the human race will act out of higher morals and hope that the planet will have some compassion on us and be gentle.

Let us ask ourselves, how prepared are we in facing these unexpected and sudden events? We may have even gathered an earthquake kit, fixed a fire extinguisher on the wall, bought an extra water storage tank and some sand bags too. Or how do we deal with the personal situations that we may have to face, like missing the flight, losing a job or breaking a leg? How many of us have prepared ourselves mentally and spiritually to face these everyday contingencies?

Spiritual preparation requires that we really do see ourselves as souls first and foremost and remind others that they are also souls. Inner work requires that we really believe and reinforce the powerful qualities inherent in the soul, thus moving away from our attachment to the body… soul consciousness makes us fearless and free. The soul is eternal, immortal and indestructible – if we have not felt this about our self then we will have difficulty facing distressing scenes.

The only way to feel bold and strong is to get in touch with our innate qualities and powers – so that we have the strength inside us at all times and not just when we feel safe in a bunker.

To remind ourselves we need to spend time daily contemplating on these qualities… play some soft music… breathe deeply… as you inhale release all stress and tension… and as you breathe in… breathe in deep peace… and with your mind’s eye, visualize this deep peace penetrating every cell and organ of your body…

Sit quietly and speak these thoughts to yourself in your mind gently…
say them with feeling and conviction:
  • I am a pure soul 
  • Completed stripped of my role, character and this costume, the body 
  • My identity is of pure, bright, white light 
  • I own nothing and desire nothing 
  • Everything I need is right here inside of me… 
  • I am a peaceful soul 
  • I am totally at peace with my life 
  • I seek nothing different in any way 
  • I am absolutely content… 
  • I am a powerful soul 
  • My body is strong, my vision is pure, my words are sweet 
  • Every thought is far reaching, helping others 
  • Nothing is impossible and nothing unachievable… 
  • I am a loving soul 
  • I love myself and respect myself 
  • I love my life and the surroundings I find myself in now 
  • I love all those close to me 
  • I am love… no extra drop of love from out there can complete me… 
  • I am truth 
  • I have all the wisdom I need to solve my problems 
  • I am in touch with my intuition 
  • I feel what is right and I follow my truth…
  • I am beauty 
  • I am filled with the light of divine virtues 
  • I colour others with my inner palette of beautiful qualities 
  • I shine with the sparkle of divinity… 
  • I am happy 
  • So happy that my cells are dancing inside 
  • So filled with gratitude towards everything 
  • So thankful for my life experiences 
  • … And all my friends and family… 
  • With this stock of powers I am ready to face any challenge 
  • With God by my side, what is not possible? 

It’s time… to consider yourself to be a soul, to reconnect with all your divine virtues and powers and prepare yourself to be able to face any eventuality. Make your inner core rock solid so that nothing and no one is able to shake you. You will amaze people by your peaceful presence as you safely navigate through the stormy waters of life’s journey to safer harbours.

Share these thoughts!

Understanding Rajyoga - Yog E-Link

The word Yoga means ‘connection’. The mental connection between the soul and Supreme Soul or the remembrance of the Supreme Soul by the soul is called meditation or Raj Yoga. Stability in the Soul-consciousness and God-consciousness will bring peace and bliss to the soul. By this means, all the latencies of the vicious actions of the past lives will be destroyed because intellectual communion with God acts like fire. It burns the sins of the past. Yoga washes off all dirt from the soul; bathing in a river may clean the body but a soul is cleansed only in the remembrance of the Supreme Soul.

Yoga is the only means through which soul gets link or association with God, who is the truth. By dint of Yoga, man controls his otherwise fickle sense organs and overcomes diverse vile thoughts. Yoga has such great force that, under its influence, even the elements of nature are brought to elevated state and the righteousness and peace is established in the world.

Through the meditation or RajYoga, the soul gets immense joy of an extraordinary kind from it’s link with the Supreme Soul.

The Knowledge of our relationship with God

What is our relationship with God? Knowledge of the relationship between the soul and the supreme soul is very essential to remembrance. In his dealings in life, man remembers every now and then only those who are bound to him by ties of one kind or another. The closer the relationship, the more easily one is reminded of it without any effort, as it were. It is very important to realize and feel that God indeed is our Supreme Father-Mother, Teacher, true Friend and Guide, and the real Protector. Relationship is the lever that can lift us to the state of Yoga. So if we have clearly before us, our relationship with God, we shall every now and then be reminded of Him and only this true link redeems all the human beings.

God is the most beautiful being

Beauty is a thing that bewitches man and draws his mind and understanding again towards itself. But beauty of the physical body and other physical things is only temporary and subject to gradual decline and decay. On the contrary, it is the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Father, who is absolutely and truly beautiful. His beauty is spotless; it never suffers change or decline. Remembering Him will make a soul clean and beautiful.

How to practice Raja Yoga?

Whenever one remembers any person or thing, one is reminded of all that person or thing is and what one’s association therewith is. Hence, at the very start, you have the feeling that you are now here to remember God, your mind will at once be transported to the highest world of eternal Light, which is His abode. The qualities of God, the Supreme Soul, a point-of-light will come to the memory.

This means that you have not to utter any sound or syllable, nor recite mentally any formula or maxim. You have to let yourself easily remember Him, or be conscious of Him, the Supreme Soul who is in the Incorporeal World. This is similar to the way in which the memory of any of your worldly relations or ties comes to you.

You will then recollect in some such manner as:

“ I am a soul… I am a point of light and I am a child of the Supreme Soul… He is also a point of light. God the Supreme Father is an inexhaustible repository of knowledge, peace, bliss and love and is Almighty …. He it is who bestows blessedness on all… How very fortunate I am …”.

The knowledge of both the soul and Supreme Soul is already there. Hence this should not be difficult to practice. You need to withdraw yourself from all your sense organs and establish yourself in the faith that you are a soul, distinct from your body; You will be reminded of the Supreme Soul. As long as we live in the consciousness of the body, we tend to remember only the body and it’s connections. On the contrary, when I understand myself to be a soul, I will naturally put in mind the Supreme Father of the soul.

Only Key to Change Thought Process - 'SOS' - Yog E-Link

Hello Friends,

Are you suffering from unwanted and too many thoughts?? Yes, this is a suffering. Too many thought and unwanted thought, we call this- Waste thoughts. Waste thoughts bring disturbance and tension. Not only this, it will result to depression. And the main drawback of the waste thoughts is Our two main powers will deplete.

We have so much physical (bodily) power but as well as we have 8 Main Spiritual Powers. I am giving just name below and explained in the next post of Benefits of Rajyoga..

1. Power to Judge

2. Power to Discriminate

3. Power to Face

4. Power to Absorb

5. Power to Cooperate

6. Power to Tolerate

7. Power to Pack-up

8. Power to Withdraw

So Because of Waste thought, we waste our energy (Power) and in the result we loose or can say deplete our 2 Powers which are..

1. Power to Judge:

We have to take so many decision in life, almost in every step. So If our mind is disturbed, we can decide the things so fast and May be if we will decide, but that decision will not be accurate.

2. Power to Discriminate:

You have been hearing about the Swan. What it does. It will discriminate the pearl (The real) from the mixture of stones (Artificial) and pearl. Likewise if we have the swan like mind then we can easily choose on what things or people we have to invest our energy or money whatever.

So now how we will change our waste thoughts. See, very practically, this will not happen over a night. You need practice. So the key is SOS.

S= Stop

O= Observe

S= Switch

Stop for a while when too much thoughts are there in your mind

Observe, whether those thoughts are about past. It means those are waste because the Past is not in your control. Or these can be useful Thoughts.

Switch- If those thoughts are useful and let it go on. But for the waste thoughts, just switch to the useful thoughts.

This is the simplest key to change the thoughts.
Change your thoughts and change your world!

Have a Happy Life!

This 1 Word Can Change your Life - Yog E-Link

I am going to share a very beautiful secret, that can change your life and also give you whatever you want in life, whether it is Money, Love, Success, House, Car whatever. The most Important thing about this, You are doing it daily, almost every time and it is so simple.

Just learn it today, Then you will not be same after reading this.

So i will tell you now that is only one Word which will change your life and that word is - "FOCUS"

Wondering?? Well! Give me just 2 minutes, I will explain you how this word will change your life.

Just close your eyes and observe yourself. During the Day what were you thinking. Were you thinking about things which you never want?? Were you thinking about things, persons, situations which you really don't want in life?

And what was happening?? Your focus is on what you don't want and those things, Persons and situation are coming to you.

We call this Law of Attraction. but you know what, this Law is merged in this simple word that is - FOCUS

So now what you have to do. Now you have to Just change your focus on what you want in life.

Ok! we will practice for 1 minute. Just close your eyes and think as well as feel...

the things you want in life -
  • a happy family,
  • love,
  • money,
  • job,
  • Car,
  • Bike,
  • a Home,
  • Tour or
  • a palace etc.
How you are feeling now? Happy Right.

Just keep feeling that during the day as many times as you can. Then what will happen?? Your focus on the things you want, will come closer to you.

Yes of course, the unwanted things, situations, people and thoughts will come but we have already discussed the SOS key. You can use that key and win over the negative.

Have a Happy Life!

Benefits of Rajyoga - Yog E-Link

The benefits of meditation are enormous. It calms our mind and body. In these fast and frenetic times, it has the most important ability to replenish mental and emotional energy.
Meditation enables you to create new attitudes and responses to life, giving you a clear spiritual understanding of yourself.

Meditation is the process of re-discovering, enjoying and using the positive qualities latent within you. Like any skill, meditation requires practice to achieve positive and satisfying results. By doing a little every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit, which generously rewards you for the little effort it involves.

What Does Meditation Do?

Meditation energizes your awareness bringing both peace and wisdom to a busy mind. It expands your capacity to love and heals broken hearts. Also it dissolves many fears replacing them with lightness and freedom from anxiety.

Meditation is both the journey and the destination, revealing the secrets of consciousness and the treasures of the soul. It develops the power to be more alert and to be effective in our interaction with each other and with our precious world. But perhaps the greatest gift that comes with meditation is the glow of inner peace that is both gentle and strong.

The practice of Raj Yoga meditation or intellectual communion with God brings into the soul many powers. Of these, eight are very important. Please refer to the adjoining diagram.

The Power To Pack-Up
With the ability to go within, one can learn how to pack up all wasteful thinking in a second, so that there is lightness and freedom from burdens and worries, though there may be many responsibilities. One’s mind is scattered over the wide world and so much drawn out to men and matters that he is unable to sleep or to detach himself at his will. With the practice of meditation, one can wind up one’s thoughts at one’s own will.

Power To Tolerate
Just as trees offer the same fruits to people whether they gently pluck the fruits or pelt stones at them, a yogi tolerates all attacks on him and does good even to those who offer brickbats at him. In the light frame of mind, one will be able to tolerate all types of situations and people to the extent that there is no sense at all of having to tolerate something or someone. With the understanding that each one is simply playing their role in this immense world-drama, impatience, irritation and annoyance disappear like mists before a bright sunlight.

The Power To Accommodate
Just as the ocean accepts different rivers that flow into it, whether polluted or clean, one will be able to adjust to all that is happening around him, so will a yogi be able to accommodate others with him. It power makes one broadminded. One will be able to adjust into all the happenings around him. Even when the atmosphere is charged with negativity or impurity, one remains unaffected.

The Power Of Judgment

One will learn to take correct and quick decisions. One will get the ability to accurately assess any situation with clarity and confidence. In a detached, impartial state of mind, one can judge one’s own thoughts, words and actions to see if they are beneficial. One will become a judge of the self and not of others.

The Power Of Discrimination
Just as an expert jeweler can easily distinguish between the false and the pure diamonds (or gems), one will acquire the power to distinguish between right and wrong or good and bad. One can accurately discriminate between real truth and the apparent truth, between things of temporary value and those of eternal value and between superficial and the subtle. The power helps in recognizing illusions even when they are sweetly decorated and enticing.

The Power To Face
Meditation develops the power to endure hardships. Adversities like death of those on whom one depends may come and high storms may rage strongly, yet his flame of equanimity does not get extinguished. Having confidence in one’s spiritual state brings the courage to face any type of situation.

The Power To Co-Operate

The natural result of all the powers is that I am able to share with others the tasks and qualities that my Father has given to me. There is no feeling of competition, so I can give as well as accept suggestion as to how to proceed with the task of world upliftment. By learning meditation, one will develop the spirit of co-operation. This is a great achievement because if everyone gives his little finger, the society could lift great mountains.

The Power to Withdraw

With full awareness that I (soul) am is an entity different from the body, one can withdraw from the senses and become a point. In the same way that a tortoise retreats into it’s shell in a moment of danger, or just to rest, a person would be able to retract himself from any situation and remain protected.

We have a "Good Place"Inside us - Yog E-Link

We are selective about the aesthetics of our personal space, it’s also important to filter the energies in our life and be selective about the people we hold in our orbit. We want to be with those who take us to a good place in our minds and hearts, not those who steal our energy or further weaken it with their negativity, or worse, may have bad intentions towards us.

Meditation is an important tool to help us create a very powerful aura of light and purity. In times of need this will be our greatest protection. And the greatest charity we can do for the world will be to spread that light and help raise the vibration of the planet.

It’s time… to notice the energies around you and to tune into the positive. Better still, influence others with your aura of peace, power and love, and help raise the vibration in the world.

Take people to that ‘good place’ inside of themselves.

You Are An Actor - A Hero Actor - Yog E-Link

Check all the actions that you perform throughout the day. Are your actions such that others will be inspired by you or are they just wasteful and ordinary? Make the practice firm, " I am on this world stage, each and every action that I perform is being watched by many and will inspire them." when you have this practice you will have attention on your actions and they will become special.
Consider yourself on the world stage and your every act will become special.

The Art Of Forgetting In Relationships - Yog E-Link

Sometimes, someone says something in two minutes that makes you feel really bad - they said it in two minutes but it is still there inside the register of your mind two months or even two years later. How could they! Who do they think they are! Something happened in two minutes and you remember it, you repeat it again in your mind and in your words during interactions with others. You keep replaying the scene repeatedly in your mind. Just like an action replay of a cricket match, you see the replays from different angles and judge the scene in many different and negative ways and come to different conclusions, most of which are negative in nature. With this you strengthen that experience in your mental register. Memories and the experiences associated with the memories replayed continuously in the conscious mind enter your sub-conscious, so that even after a long period of time you remember what they said to you. The other person unburdened themselves and forgot it straightaway.

It's like your neighbour who takes out rubbish, throws it outside his house, into your compound and forgets about it and you allow that rubbish to remain there, without thinking of getting it cleaned. Someone throws a few words at you and they forget, but not only do you not forget but you repeat them in your mind to such a point that at times these action replays do not even let you sleep. We need to learn the art of forgetting memories that generate shadows of hurt or pain in our present. The past has already gone and what you have now is the present moment.

Nothing is Important than a true relation.

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Quiz based on Avyakt Milan Murli Dated - 01-11-2020


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