Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Only Key to Change Thought Process - 'SOS' - Yog E-Link

Hello Friends,

Are you suffering from unwanted and too many thoughts?? Yes, this is a suffering. Too many thought and unwanted thought, we call this- Waste thoughts. Waste thoughts bring disturbance and tension. Not only this, it will result to depression. And the main drawback of the waste thoughts is Our two main powers will deplete.

We have so much physical (bodily) power but as well as we have 8 Main Spiritual Powers. I am giving just name below and explained in the next post of Benefits of Rajyoga..

1. Power to Judge

2. Power to Discriminate

3. Power to Face

4. Power to Absorb

5. Power to Cooperate

6. Power to Tolerate

7. Power to Pack-up

8. Power to Withdraw

So Because of Waste thought, we waste our energy (Power) and in the result we loose or can say deplete our 2 Powers which are..

1. Power to Judge:

We have to take so many decision in life, almost in every step. So If our mind is disturbed, we can decide the things so fast and May be if we will decide, but that decision will not be accurate.

2. Power to Discriminate:

You have been hearing about the Swan. What it does. It will discriminate the pearl (The real) from the mixture of stones (Artificial) and pearl. Likewise if we have the swan like mind then we can easily choose on what things or people we have to invest our energy or money whatever.

So now how we will change our waste thoughts. See, very practically, this will not happen over a night. You need practice. So the key is SOS.

S= Stop

O= Observe

S= Switch

Stop for a while when too much thoughts are there in your mind

Observe, whether those thoughts are about past. It means those are waste because the Past is not in your control. Or these can be useful Thoughts.

Switch- If those thoughts are useful and let it go on. But for the waste thoughts, just switch to the useful thoughts.

This is the simplest key to change the thoughts.
Change your thoughts and change your world!

Have a Happy Life!

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