The journey of life teaches us that we need to prepare ourselves by learning to navigate our way through any sudden eventuality, and the spiritual path teaches us to embrace that with love and strength when it does happen. If we have not done the inner work of creating a strong inner resolve, we will indeed be shaken, scattered and shattered, and fall victim to the situation rather than mastering it and staying unaffected.
We live in an unpredictable world where anything can happen at any time. Planes and trains crash, ‘terrorists’ attack, children die at an early age, weather patterns disrupt our schedules, stocks and shares come tumbling down. And in our personal relationships too, friends and family can surprise us with new dramas in their lives.
In fact the earthquakes and tsunamis we see in the world are a reflection of our inner breakdown. With every negative and weak thought we create, we send out a negative message, frequency and vibration to the world. And with so much sorrow in the world, even Mother Earth is reacting in strange ways.
With all this upheaval we hear in the news and pews everyday we should by now have become impervious to such onslaughts. Yet why do we continue to be shocked at every turn? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that we still keep hope. Hope that the human race will act out of higher morals and hope that the planet will have some compassion on us and be gentle.
Let us ask ourselves, how prepared are we in facing these unexpected and sudden events? We may have even gathered an earthquake kit, fixed a fire extinguisher on the wall, bought an extra water storage tank and some sand bags too. Or how do we deal with the personal situations that we may have to face, like missing the flight, losing a job or breaking a leg? How many of us have prepared ourselves mentally and spiritually to face these everyday contingencies?
Spiritual preparation requires that we really do see ourselves as souls first and foremost and remind others that they are also souls. Inner work requires that we really believe and reinforce the powerful qualities inherent in the soul, thus moving away from our attachment to the body… soul consciousness makes us fearless and free. The soul is eternal, immortal and indestructible – if we have not felt this about our self then we will have difficulty facing distressing scenes.
The only way to feel bold and strong is to get in touch with our innate qualities and powers – so that we have the strength inside us at all times and not just when we feel safe in a bunker.
To remind ourselves we need to spend time daily contemplating on these qualities… play some soft music… breathe deeply… as you inhale release all stress and tension… and as you breathe in… breathe in deep peace… and with your mind’s eye, visualize this deep peace penetrating every cell and organ of your body…

Sit quietly and speak these thoughts to yourself in your mind gently…
say them with feeling and conviction:
- I am a pure soul
- Completed stripped of my role, character and this costume, the body
- My identity is of pure, bright, white light
- I own nothing and desire nothing
- Everything I need is right here inside of me…
- I am a peaceful soul
- I am totally at peace with my life
- I seek nothing different in any way
- I am absolutely content…
- I am a powerful soul
- My body is strong, my vision is pure, my words are sweet
- Every thought is far reaching, helping others
- Nothing is impossible and nothing unachievable…
- I am a loving soul
- I love myself and respect myself
- I love my life and the surroundings I find myself in now
- I love all those close to me
- I am love… no extra drop of love from out there can complete me…
- I am truth
- I have all the wisdom I need to solve my problems
- I am in touch with my intuition
- I feel what is right and I follow my truth…
- I am beauty
- I am filled with the light of divine virtues
- I colour others with my inner palette of beautiful qualities
- I shine with the sparkle of divinity…
- I am happy
- So happy that my cells are dancing inside
- So filled with gratitude towards everything
- So thankful for my life experiences
- … And all my friends and family…
- With this stock of powers I am ready to face any challenge
- With God by my side, what is not possible?
It’s time… to consider yourself to be a soul, to reconnect with all your divine virtues and powers and prepare yourself to be able to face any eventuality. Make your inner core rock solid so that nothing and no one is able to shake you. You will amaze people by your peaceful presence as you safely navigate through the stormy waters of life’s journey to safer harbours.
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