Monday, 25 September 2017

This One Word Can make your Life Prosperous - Yog E-Link

There was a bird who lived in the desert; very sick, no feathers, nothing to eat and drink, no shelter to live and kept on cursing his life day and night.

One day, an Angel was crossing from that desert, bird stopped the Angel and inquired " where are you going?" Angel replied " I am going to meet God".

So bird asked angel ' please ask God when my suffering will come to an end?' Angel said " sure, I will" and bid good bye to bird. Angel reached God's place and shared the message of bird to Him.

Angel told Him how pathetic the condition of bird is and inquired when the suffering of the bird will end. God replied "For the next seven life times, the bird has to suffer like this, no happiness till then".

Angel said when bird hears this, he will get disheartened. Could You suggest any solution for this?

God replied: Tell him to recite this mantra "Thank you God for everything". Angel met the bird again and delivered the message of God to the bird.

After seven days, the Angel passed the same path again and saw that bird was so happy; feathers had grown on his body, a small plant grew up in the desert area, a small pond of water was also there, the bird was singing and dancing cheerfully. Angel was astonished as to how this happened, 'God said for seven life times, there is no happiness for the bird'... with this question in mind, He went to visit God.

Angel asked his query then God replied: "Yes, it was written there will be no happiness for the bird for seven life times but because the bird was reciting the mantra "Thank you God for everything" in every situation.

When bird fell down on the hot sand, it said "thank you God for everything", when it could not fly it said "thank you God for everything", so whatever the situation, the bird kept on repeating "Thank you God for everything" and therefore the seven life times "karma got dissolved in seven days".

When I heard this story, it landed me in a different energy zone, I felt a tremendous shift in my way of feeling, thinking, accepting and viewing life.

I adopted this mantra in my life. Whatever the situation I faced, I started reciting this mantra ' THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING'. It helped me to shift my view from what i did not have to what I have in my life.

Similarly, i started using this mantra in my relationship, finance, love life, social life, business, with friends, maids, colleagues and everything with which I can relate. I shared this story with my spouse and children too which brought a great shift in their behaviour.

This simple mantra really had a deep impact in my life, i started feeling how blessed I am, how happy I am, how good life is....

The purpose of sharing this message is to make all of us aware how powerful is the power of gratitude . It can reshape our life.

A simple word, a simple thought, which teaches us to be grateful for everything we have in our life has power to dissolve the karmic baggage which we are carrying from so many life times. Lets recite this mantra continuously to experience the shift in our life.

I end this article with the beautiful lines:
"Be grateful, and see the change in your attitude.
                      Be humble and you will never stumble."

Deep love and gratitude to you for reading it.

Thank you.

Thank you God for everything!...

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Regression - Do Not Remember Past Bitter Issues - Yog E-Link

In addition to oppression, there is regression. The meaning of regression is to remember issues of the past, the ones which is over. For example, 'this one did this and that to me. I offered kindness to this person; still that person caused such loss to me!' 

So don't dig up past issues, buried bodies. Don't let the body, which had been buried in the grave, emerge by breaking into the graveyard. To spoil your mind by recalling past issues is not the sign of sensible person. Its not that we don't know such things or have forgotten them, but we are not mad about those who harmed us in the past and or mind is not spoilt by remembering such things. And we understand what type of person this is who needs to speak of such things. 

God's Versions - "Consider that past is past. No one has conquered the world because of remembering all that has happened."

If we forget the past, we will be able to be innocent; we will become child of Bholanaath, the Lord of Innocence. If we will become innocent, there will be truth and cleanliness within our heart. If we do not forget old issues, then complete purity will not enter our personality. 

To remember past issues is like encouraging bad company. Bad company is not simply mingling with bad people; it also includes reading unwholesome literature, seeing unsavoury films - whatever spoils the mind by causing thoughts of body - consciousness, fostering bodily pride or arrogance - all such influences can be considered bad company. Those who catch hold of good company will always be uplifted; those who adhere to bad company will be drowned.

That is why each person must take care to refrain from going into the past, as it is akin to entertaining regression.

"Whatever you think about, You become like that."

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Who Really Poor - A Rich or A Poor - Yog E-Link

Here is one Video, which is really wonderfully explaining about the real richness. Watch and comment...

Friday, 22 September 2017

Oppression - Not to Oppress Anyone - Yog E- Link

Could not stop sharing this about some people who dominate and oppress those who work with them. Due to such oppression, so much of the time, a person is wasting. After that many regret they are facing. They do understand that their words and karmas are oppressive! they keep trying to oppress others. They don't allow subordinates to move forward. they try to pull back those who are ahead of them; or get them to fall. they keep playing such games of chess!

That is why, here are some Godly teachings regarding this:
  • Neither give sorrow to others, nor bring loss to others.
  • don't make other panic.
  • don't make other cry.
  • don't hurt anyone's heart.
  • interact with each other with love. 

The inner conscience of a human being is such that, if he or she does something wrong, then a voice will emerge from within - that he or she has not done right.

Then depression emerges from within. Guilty of the wrong deeds performed by a person, will make him depressed. Hence depression can be cured within only. He has to performed good deeds to make him feel happy and others.  

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Depression - Avoid Feeling Sadness - Yog E- Link

Depression is a worldwide disease. Disease itself says - Dis + Ease. In simple words, the person is not in ease. Many people becomes depressed by one or more influences during the day. One moment they are okay, they are happy, but afters some time, they are depressed. This happens quite often and there are many reasons for it.

When a persons comes to the conclusion that he or she is of no use, then depression occurs.  "I am useless, I am completely useless." When someone sees that another person is moving forward, being praised, or gaining some benefits in comparison to him, he thinks, "What am I getting! I am of no use." He might even say to himself, "There is no one as useless I am." People even drown themselves when they feel such degraded  feelings.

Now, at this time, we should arouse within ourselves, as well as develop the self confidence as soon as the issue arises or some situation happens. Just we need to remind ourselves our real self respect, which we have already saw in the earlier post- Remain In Self Respect, The Universe will follow you in every aspect .

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Do Not Give Sorrow and Do Not Take Sorrow - Yog E-Link

We are all the controllers of our lives. Such as your body, your thoughts, and all your organs. We order all our organs by coming to the brain such as the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and even tongue.

It has been said that
"Do the same behaviors to others as you want them from you."
According to the principle of action reaction, we will definitely get the result of our every actions. Whether it is good or bad So we have to perform such actions whose fruits are just good. It is important to note that no body should get hurt because of us. Whether it is a our mind, a  conversations, or a action. Yes, if we give sorrow by mind also that is, we have negative thoughts for anyone in our mind, or want bad for someone, we also get the fruits from our mind. And we often feel sad in our mind.So do not get the resolve to hurt anyone.

This is done by our behavior. But sometimes others treat us like this, what should we do then? Or what should we do when someone hurts us?

For example, if somebody is giving us something, which is not of our work, is useless, then what will we do? Will we accept it? No right. Just like when somebody is giving sorrow to us, means speaking bad words, then we do not have to accept it.

We will feel sad only when we accept the words spoken by him. When we did not take it inside, then the feeling of sadness will not come.
And when we are not sad then we will not react. And the thing will end.

So the essence is
"न दुःख दो, न दुःख लो 
                                   सुख दो, सुख लो " 

Now our remote is in our hands.

Stay Happy!

Seven Coloured Food (SOD) - Yog E-Link

I posted the last article about uncooked food. Further to that, this is again a very beautiful article about Seven Coloured Food, which is again - Uncooked.

Natural coloured eatables has phyto-nutrients and pigments in large quantity. These acts as antioxidents. These prevents DNA from getting damaged.

By enhancing SOD dnzymes they increase the passion, youthfulness and life. They stop cross linking of cells which create many diseases and ageing. Persons suffering from cancer, lungs diseases, liver problems, kidney diseases, diabetes, bones diseases, eye diseases, heart diseases and other can rejuvenate their life by consuming various coloured fruits and vegetables.

There are various types of phyto-nutrients which have different properties. If we consume food of seven colours daily, we shall get phyto-nutrients which will keep us disease free and protect various cells, tissues and organs from degenerating.

Eatables from different colour -

1. White - Banana, Pears, radish, potato
2. Red - Tomato, Water melon, Apple, strawbery, cherry, beetroot, pomegranate, carrot
3. Green - Cabbage, grapes, peas, bottle guard, green leafy vege. guava, cucumber
4. Blue/Viotet - Phalsa, Blackberry, brinjal, purple grape
5. Brown - Dates, dry dates, raisin, ground nut, almond, cherry
6. Orange - Orange, mango, corn
7. Yellow - Papaya, pineapple, ginger, raw turmeric, lemon, mango, peach

Simple way to be Healthy - Wonders of Uncooked Food - Yog E-Link

I read this article in some book and I really liked it. I could not stop myself sharing this.

The simple meaning of uncooked food is that according to one's capacity, whatever food, eaten in cooked form should be taken in uncooked form.

Due to its nature, one can achieve complete physical, mental and spiritual health not only be protected against disease but can also improve spiritual power alongwith feeling of happiness, strong body and bliss.

Natural food, being complete by assimilate, has utmost quality of giving health. Food is the one and only thing, which is capable of keeping us healthy completely. Food itself is medicine.

Uncooked food Stuffs (Substances)

1. Juices of various fruits and vegetables
2. Various types of Fruits
3. Various types of Vegetables
4. Leafy vegetables
5. Sprouted grains and pulses
6. Dry Fruits - Soaked
7. Seeds and Nuts
8. Others-  Milk of coconut, soyabean, groundnut, sesame and honey etc.

"The food for eating which, fire is required, which cannot be eaten without being cooked, that food is not healty."                                                                                   -Dr. Brij Bhushan Goel

 There are several benefits of uncooked food which is wonderful. Some of them are as follows:

1. Beneficial in incurable kidney diseases
2. Benefits in Cancer
3. Benefit possible in Aids disease
4. Benefit in other diseases like diabetes, Blood pressure, Asthma, Joint pain, stomach, skin etc
5. Benefit in incurable diseases

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Becoming Aware Of What Is Ego - Yog E-Link

All of us are familiar, to different extents, with the emotion of ego. All of us don’t even define it in the same way. We are also aware to different extents, about the negative repercussions (effects) of the emotion of ego on us and on others. Depending on how aware we are about the effects, we work to eradicate the emotion from our daily lives, so that it neither disturbs us nor others. Some of us even consider it a positive emotion and feel it contributes positively to our personal and professional progress. To be aware completely of the negative effects of ego and to realize clearly whether it is a positive emotion or not in the first place, it is important to first become aware of what it is exactly. So, how can we define ego?

Ego is attachment, inside my consciousness, to an incorrect image of my self which I then mistake for myself. When the attachment takes place, you lose your sense of identity in the image of the object of attachment which you create on the screen of your mind. That object can be something physical like your body, your physical personality, a relationship, a material possession, your status, money, a particular skill, respect from others, etc. or something non-physical like a belief; an opinion; a mindset, a memory, a particular virtue, specialty, power or a sanskara (positive or negative), etc.

Therefore ego is the self attaching to and identifying with an image that is not the self. This process takes place entirely within our consciousness many times in the day, on the screen of the mind. E.g. When we say this is my salary package (something physical) or my opinion (something non-physical), we are (without being aware about it) creating an image of the salary package or the opinion inside our consciousness and becoming attached to it, so that we lose our self identity in the salary package or the opinion, believing that I am the salary package or the opinion. So at that time, the salary package or the opinion becomes an incorrect image of the self to which I am attached. This is ego. If while thinking, feeling or speaking about my salary package or my opinion, we do not become attached to or do not lose our self identity in either of the two, then that is not ego.

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Quiz based on Avyakt Milan Murli Dated - 01-11-2020


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